Welcome to Joris' Kitchen

Welcome to my warm kitchen, a kitchen thas has built with love, passion and smile and where baking is not just a baking.

You are free to look around and I would be more than happy if you could drop notes or comments here.

To check the price list for 2012, please click here, for wedding cake and cupcakes, and more questions regarding the products and prices, do not hesitate to contact me thru email at joriskitchen@gmail.com or text/call me at 0838 9464 3888.

Have a good day,

- Dewi -

Monday, September 01, 2008

Fruit Pie Ingkan

This time Ingkan wanted to try my fruit pie.

And here is her testemony she sent tru sms after receiving my fruit pie :

"Wi, udah nyampe dengan selamat :-) aku dinginin di kulkas bentar, langsung disajikan. Dalam 5 menit langsung pada nambah, sekarang sisa 1/5 kurang :-) sukses euy...Thanks ya...."


Anonymous said...

Blog yang keren! Met kenal ya..:-)
Tara FM Radio

Unknown said...

Hai met kenal juga ya...makasih udah mampir :-)