Welcome to Joris' Kitchen

Welcome to my warm kitchen, a kitchen thas has built with love, passion and smile and where baking is not just a baking.

You are free to look around and I would be more than happy if you could drop notes or comments here.

To check the price list for 2012, please click here, for wedding cake and cupcakes, and more questions regarding the products and prices, do not hesitate to contact me thru email at joriskitchen@gmail.com or text/call me at 0838 9464 3888.

Have a good day,

- Dewi -

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Barbie cupcakes for Jasmine's 2nd Birthday

I know Dian, Jasmine's mom thru We Are Mommies mailing list and Multiply. Today is Jasmine's birthday and Dian ordered 3 dozens of barbie theme cupcakes for Jasmine's friends in the neighborhood. I decided to use edible pic for the decor and using white and pink color theme.

For blowing candle ceremony I added 6 complimentary cupcakes for the cutie little Jasmine.

Happy birthday dearest Jasmine, God bless you always my dear!

And here was the text message I received a few days after the birthday from Jasmine's mom :

" Maaf baru sms ya mbak..Tdnya dr hari minggu mau sms tp blm sempet2...kuenya uenak tenan...Jasmine jg suka kuenya..Temen2nya jg seneng dpt cupcake..sekali lagi makasih ya.."

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