Welcome to Joris' Kitchen

Welcome to my warm kitchen, a kitchen thas has built with love, passion and smile and where baking is not just a baking.

You are free to look around and I would be more than happy if you could drop notes or comments here.

To check the price list for 2012, please click here, for wedding cake and cupcakes, and more questions regarding the products and prices, do not hesitate to contact me thru email at joriskitchen@gmail.com or text/call me at 0838 9464 3888.

Have a good day,

- Dewi -

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Triple Chocolate Chilled Cheesecake

Efi Andra, my friend from cyber world introduces me to this great delicious chilled cheesecake and always encourages me to try the recipe.

Finally, yesterday I made this delicious chilled cheesecake as dessert during the dinner of our Cell group discussion last night. As I don't have the milk cooking chocolate, I substituted it with chocolate milk and it turned out just okay.


Cake Base :

300 gr biskuit oreo

180 gr butter, lelehkan


375 gr cream cheese

250 ml whip cream, kocok hingga kental

125 ml susu cair full cream

125 gr gula halus (original recipe pake gula kastor)

60 gr white cooking chocolate, lelehkan

60 gr milk susu kental manis (original 60 gr milk cooking chocolate yang dilelehkan)

60 gr dark cooking chocolate

1 1/2 sdm gelatin

60 ml air


Cake Base :

Buang krim tengah oreo, hancurkan kemudian campur rata dengan 180 gr butter leleh. Lalu letakkan pada dasar loyang springform (bongpas), tekan-tekan atau padatkan dengan pantat sendok, diamkan di lemari es selama kurang lebih 1 jam.


1. Siapkan loyang spring form yang telah dipasangkan alas cake (bisa juga menggunakan tabung2 dari mika.

2. Tim gelatin dan air hingga larut, sisihkan.

3. Kocok cream cheese hingga lembut, masukkan susu dan gula halus, kocok hingga larut. Masukkan gelatin, aduk rata.

4. Bagi adonan menjadi 3 bagian sama banyak, campur masing2 bagian dengan jenis coklat yang telah dicairkan.

5. Bagi whip cream kocok menjadi 3 bagian, campurkan ke dalam 3 bagian adonan dan aduk rata.

6. Tuangkan adonan wcc pada loyang, masukkan ke freezer, hingga bagian atasnya mulai mengeras, tuangi adonan mcc, simpan dalam freezer, setelah mengeras, tuangin adonan dcc. Tutup loyang dengan plastic wrap. Hidangkan dalam keadaan dingin.

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